Simon Walters®

UK Registered Designs

Filing Requirements




UK Registered Designs

Filing Requirements

the design must be filed as drawings or photographs showing all its features, or as a specimen

a description of the product for classification purposes

the name and address of the legal owner of the mark


a filing number and date are confirmed, provided that various formalities have been completed

the Designs Registry examines your application and determines whether the design is registrable and if there are any prior existing identical or similar UK, EC or International registrations

if the Registry raises any objections, you are given an opportunity to contest them


If your application is successful, the design is registered in the UK Designs Register, and details published in the Designs Journal.


You can claim ‘priority’ from another application. This means that within a six month priority period from the date of filing of a first application for the same design one can claim the same date of filing as this first application.

Equally, if the UK is the first application filed for your design, this can be used to obtain priority for subsequent applications within the priority period. This can be a very useful way to start with one application and slowly build up your portfolio, thereby spreading the cost of a registration programme.